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来源:国外网站目录 时间:2022-06-07 作者:出国打工网 浏览量:

Sixth Tone APP官网www.sixthtone.com


网站描述:Sixth Tone APP官网,应用描述: The Sixth Tone app brings you people-focused news, features, commentaries, and visual storytelling about contemporary China. Main features of the app: Rising Tones are timely reports On issues and events from across China. Drawing from a vast range of sources, these articles provide insights into the significance of each issue in a wider context. Half Tones are small, easily digestible bites of news. Concise and to the point, they deliver the crux of a new story in just a few paragraphs or provide timely updates to our previous coverage. Deep Tones are features that cut to the core of contemporary China. In-depth, informed, and carefully crafted, every piece is carried by the voices of the story’s participants. Broad Tones are contributions from individuals with unique perspectives to share. This section is dedicated to a wide range of people, from experts and commentators to those whose voices are rarely heard. Vivid Tones are visual stories showing up-close and personal slices of China. Each piece is fine-tuned to present diverse narratives through short videos, documentaries, photography, and data visualization. Other features: -Stay informed about the most consequential story of our time: a changing China. -Share articles to your social networks including Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, and more. -Receive push notifications for our latest recommended reads. -Search Sixth Tone’s complete archive for the topics that interest you most. About Sixth Tone: Sixth Tone (www.sixthtone.com) is an English-language digital publication based in Shanghai. Like an additional tone to the five of Mandarin Chinese, Sixth Tone offers a fresh voice for coverage of China while emphasizing the human element of every story.

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